General Practice – Carbon Reduction for a Greener Practice

Just over 1 year ago, January 2020 NHS England launched a campaign “For a Greener NHS”. The campaign backed by a paper and various groups, set out a practical, evidence based and quantifiable path to a net-zero NHS.

Less than one week later the Covid-19 pandemic was announced by the world health organisation. Our health service has worked like never before, so extremely hard and has been focused on supporting our nation, saving lives through the pandemic.

The NHS also recognises that the climate emergency is also a heath emergency and not acting now, will have huge consequences to the health of our nation for years to come. As such the NHS has pressed ahead with its campaign across England.

The Guardian report shows how the NHS is responsible for 5.4% of the UK’s total carbon emission, equivalent to greenhouse gas emission of 11 coal power stations.

The report sets out two carbon reduction targets;

  • for the emissions we control directly (the NHS Carbon Footprint), net zero by 2040, with an ambition to reach an 80% reduction by 2028 to 2032.

  • for the emissions we can influence (our NHS Carbon Footprint Plus), net zero by 2045, with an ambition to reach an 80% reduction by 2036 to 2039.

The report goes into great detail across all facets of the NHS organisational boundaries, confirming across each area its % footprint within the NHS and initiatives and suggested timelines for reduction and change.

General Practice

The report states that there are 7,000 GP practices covering 9,000 buildings with a combined total emission of 167 ktCO2e.

It goes on to break down the areas of biggest impact to reduce this footprint, from improving its buildings to be more energy efficient through improved building insulation, lighting and heating, to better energy management and carbon tracking. This measure combined can make the area net-zero and feed into the wider NHS targets.

Sustainable Business Services in partnership with Dene Healthcare who have years of industry experience in supporting general practices, can offer a range of services to help your practice be a leader and support the NHS with its net-zero targets, whilst reducing your operational costs ranging from;

  • Carbon reporting service with an easy-to-use online dashboard for tracking and reporting.

  • Energy and water procurement as a service, able to review the whole market and source green energy at competitive rates.

  • Energy and water management as a service, enabling ongoing tracking and reporting to you ensuring reduced wastage.

  • Energy efficient building improvements from retrofit lighting, on site generation to electric vehicle charging.

  • Staff engagement plans and training solutions.

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