
Meet your regulatory obligations

SBS can help you navigate energy and carbon reporting schemes and find the most effective path to compliance, saving you time and maximizing your ROI.

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Report

SECR aims to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the UK by requiring companies to disclose their energy use and carbon emissions in their annual reports.

To comply with the SECR, organizations must:

  • Identify which energy and carbon emissions are covered under the scheme, such as those from fuel use, company-owned vehicles, and electricity and heat consumption.
  • Measure and record these emissions using approved methods and conversion factors.
  • Report the emissions in their annual report using the approved format.
  • Publicly disclose the report on their website.

The SBS Net-Zero Programme is aligned to the requirements of SECR – talk to us today.


Energy Savings & Opportunities Scheme

Is a mandatory energy assessment and energy-saving identification scheme for large organizations in the UK. It is designed to help these organizations improve their energy efficiency, reduce their energy costs.

The process for compliance with ESOS in the UK is as follows:

  1. Determine if your organization is eligible for ESOS, a large undertaking is any UK company that either – employs 250 or more people / has an annual turnover in excess of £44 million, and an annual balance sheet total in excess of £38 million
  2. Identify your organization’s energy use, including energy used for transport, buildings, industrial processes.
  3. Carry out energy assessments.
  4. Identify energy-saving opportunities.
  5. Notify the Environment Agency. You must notify the Environment Agency that your organization is compliant with ESOS by the compliance date.
  6. Keep records. You must keep records of your organization’s energy use and the energy assessments conducted, as well as any energy-saving opportunities identified, for a period of at least five years.

Climate Change Agreement (CCA)

All industrial and commercial users of gas, electricity, and other fossil fuels are likely to pay Climate Change Levy.

The Climate Change Agreement (CCA) is a voluntary, UK government energy efficiency scheme that has recently been extended to 2025. Participants in the scheme receive a discount on the Climate Change Levy (CCL) in exchange for agreeing to work towards energy efficiency improvement and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction targets.

Sustainable Business Services can help your business if you have or are interested in committing to the scheme.

Public Sector Procurement

PPN 06/21 Carbon Reduction Plan

To support the UK Governments Net-Zero Carbon emissions 2050 plan, it is now required of all suppliers wishing to bid for major government contracts to commit to achieving net-zero by 2050 and publishing a ‘Carbon Reduction Plan’ in line with the PPN 06/21 Framework

The SBS Net-Zero Programme is aligned to the requirements of PPN 06/21 reporting

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We now have a full view of the funnel — not just that the lead was generated, but that the meeting with the sales rep actually took place. After the meeting, we know how many leads turned into real opportunities and what the drop-offs were.

Janet Doe


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We are here to support your net-zero journey, whatever your stage

With more pressure from clients, supply chains and public sector frameworks, we can support and map your net-zero ambition

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