Water Procurement

Trusted procurement specialists

We work with our cross-market, trusted, supply relationships to select the most appropriate, competitive tariff and supplier for you
What we do

Make water simple

SBS have a wealth of expertise in the retail water market and have been actively involved both as a supplier and indirect roles predating the opening of the English market (April 2017).

We take time to analyse your needs, audit your invoices and provide a range of procurement services to generate long term savings.

Why choose sbs?

UK water markets

Scotland was the first country in the world to offer non-household customers choice in their water retailer (Licensed Provider) and have had this since 2008. This market is now well established with much more of the of the market switching to date realising savings up to 30%.

The English business water market is coming up to four years old with under 15% of the market taking advantage and switching supplier. This statistic does not factor in the businesses that have renegotiated terms with their incumbent supplier. We are able to work with both current and potential suppliers to negotiate the best business water prices.The water retail market provides competition and choice to eligible businesses and works the following way;

How the business water market works

Your business needs are unique to you, whether your an SME business with relatively low usage, to a large manufacturing firm with several sites and significant usage.


Regional water companies, who supply water, treat wastewater, and maintain the infrastructure. They sell water to retailers.


Retailers work on behalf of customers to provide billing, customer service, metering and payment services.


Eligible businesses in England and Scotland, like yours, who are able to choose their water retailer.

Why choose sbs?

Water audit, procurement and management

With over 10 years water industry experience, SBS provide a suite of detailed auditing and refund negating services, along side procurement and ongoing water management and reduction services supporting your net-zero ambition.

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We now have a full view of the funnel — not just that the lead was generated, but that the meeting with the sales rep actually took place. After the meeting, we know how many leads turned into real opportunities and what the drop-offs were.

Janet Doe


How can we help you?
We are a friendly, dedicated company ready to speak to you. All our services are designed to support your business reduce cost, be more efficient and deliver your net-zero ambition.