Net-Zero plan – The Greenhouse Gas Hierarchy

A four step plan to de-carbonise

Here at SBS we work with our clients to utilise their data to formulate a net zero plan this plan is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible. The IEMA greenhouse gas hierarchy is a framework that we use aligned to Science based that prioritizes actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a specific order.

The benefits of following the greenhouse gas hierarchy when implementing a net zero plan include:

  • Maximizing the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: By prioritizing actions that have the greatest impact on reducing emissions, a net zero plan that follows the greenhouse gas hierarchy can achieve the most emissions reductions for the least effort and cost.
  • Ensuring that limited resources are used effectively: By focusing on the most impactful actions first, a net zero plan that follows the greenhouse gas hierarchy can make the most of limited resources, such as funding and personnel.
  • Building momentum for further action: By achieving early successes with the most impactful actions, a net zero plan that follows the greenhouse gas hierarchy can build momentum and support for further action to reduce emissions.
  • Supporting multiple sustainability goals: The greenhouse gas hierarchy is not just focused on reducing emissions but also supports other sustainability goals such as energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy, and sustainable transportation.
  • Increasing long-term resilience: By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing sustainability, a net zero plan that follows the greenhouse gas hierarchy can help to increase the long-term resilience of communities and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change.

The Hierarchy was first published in 2009, with a focus on tackling significant and ‘at-source’ carbon emissions and avoiding jumping straight to a carbon offset solution.

More and more, moving to a low carbon future can bring substantial business benefits such as;

  • Reducing operational cost
  • Competitive advantage
  • Meeting supply chain and tender requirements
  • Attracting and retaining the best staff
  • Preparing for legislation changes

If you would like to talk to one of our team about your net-zero ambition and the advantages of the SBS net-zero programme, please contact us today

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