Preparing Your Business for Waste Regulation Changes – England

As of March 31, 2025, significant changes to waste regulations in England will come into effect, impacting businesses across the country. These changes are part of the UK government’s broader efforts to enhance recycling rates, reduce landfill use, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Here’s what your business needs to know and how you can prepare.

Key Changes to Waste Regulations

  1. Mandatory Separate Food Waste Collections:
    • All non-municipal premises, including businesses, institutions, and other non-residential buildings, will be required to arrange for separate food waste collections.
    • This means food waste must be segregated from other types of waste and stored in designated containers or bins for collection.
  2. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR):
    • Businesses will be held accountable for the entire lifecycle of the products they produce, including their disposal.
    • This aims to encourage more sustainable product designs and reduce waste at the source.
  3. Collections Consistency:
    • The new regulations will standardize the types of materials collected for recycling across England, reducing confusion and improving recycling rates.
  4. Deposit Return Scheme (DRS):
    • A new scheme will be introduced where consumers can return certain types of packaging, such as plastic bottles, for a refund.

Steps to Prepare Your Business

  1. Assess Current Waste Management Practices:
    • Conduct an audit of your current waste management practices to understand the volume and types of waste generated. This will help you determine the necessary adjustments to meet the new requirements.
  2. Engage with Waste Collection Services:
    • Reach out to your current waste collection service providers or explore new providers that offer separate food waste collection services. Ensure they are prepared to comply with the new regulations.
  3. Staff Training and Awareness:
    • Educate your employees about the importance of separating food waste and the specifics of the new regulations. Training and awareness are crucial for the successful implementation of any recycling and waste management program.
  4. Invest in Appropriate Infrastructure:
    • Depending on the volume of waste your business generates, you may need to invest in additional bins, containers, or other infrastructure to facilitate separate waste collection.
  5. Stay Informed and Compliant:
    • Keep up-to-date with the latest information on waste regulations and ensure your business complies with all legislative requirements to avoid potential penalties.

By taking these steps, your business can smoothly transition to the new waste regulations, contributing to a more sustainable future while avoiding disruptions and penalties. Preparing in advance will not only ensure compliance but also demonstrate your commitment to environmental responsibility.


If you would like to discuss any aspect fo your waste strategy contact one of our team today.

the waste hierarchy
Commercial waste is any waste produced by your business that legally must be discarded a certain way.
Working with you to develop your waste strategy, aligned to the latest legislation and following the Waste Hierarchy.

Our business waste service provides businesses;

  • Waste Audit service and support
  • Waste Training
  • Internal Branded, sustainably made in UK waste segregation
  • Waste Collection Switching and cost saving service
  • WEEE Recycling service

Contact Us

We are here to support your sustainability journey, with a range of services

With more pressure from clients, supply chains and public sector frameworks, we can support and map your net-zero ambition

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One Trinity Gardens, Broadchare,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 2HF


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Popeshead Court Offices, Peter Lane,
York YO1 8SU

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09:00 AM – 17.00 PM
Monday – Friday

Phone: 0191 8155200