Latest Past Events

Unlocking Hampshire’s Green Potential

Apollo Hotel, Basingstoke Aldermaston Rd Roundabout, Basingstoke

When making practical and achievable sustainability changes are at the forefront of thinking for many businesses, Hampshire Chamber of Commerce and Destination Basingstoke, supported by headline sponsors NatWest, are pleased […]

The Sustainable Business Series Conference

Aston Conference Centre & Hotel Aston University, Aston St, Birmingham

The Sustainable Business Series campaign aims to share best practice, guidance and knowledge to improve business know-how and progression to net zero. In January this year, the Government released its […]

BIPC first steps and 6 top tips

City Hall Sunderland Plater Way, Sunderland

Eco Fest Sunderland BIPC first steps to sustainability presents Ian Brown from the BIPC will sharing tips on how businesses can take the first steps towards greener ways of working. […]

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