Net zero performance by North East England Chamber of Commerce

The Curve Teesside University Southfield Road, Middlesbrough

Our events are open to Chamber members only. If you’re not a member and would like to attend, or discuss the benefits of membership, please email: Recent history informs us that change in the workplace has been profound. Organisations have changed beyond belief in recent times. The regulatory framework has also seen a number […]

The Net Zero opportunity : Making it happen by Enterprise M3 Growth Hub


Our first webinar will look at the global climate emergency, the UK’s response and what that means for your business. The session will focus on the business benefits of embedding net zero, hearing from an SME based in the region who has already started their net zero journey. There will be plenty of time for […]

edie Net-Zero Awards

30 Euston Square 30 Euston Square, London

The new edie Net-Zero Awards - sister scheme to the edie Awards, the world's most prestigious accolade for sustainable businesses - have been created to recognise and reward the individuals and organisations that are spearheading the transition towards a net-zero carbon economy. From ground-breaking innovations to leading carbon reduction programmes and collaborative initiatives, this is the platform to inspire, showcase, and be recognised […]


EMEX, The Net Zero and Energy Management Exhibition

ExCeL London Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London

EMEX, The Net Zero and Energy Management Exhibition welcomes an ever-growing range of professionals keen to stay at the forefront of carbon management, energy efficiency and sustainability. With energy management at the top of organisational priorities, visitors gain new insights and specialist advice on cost-saving solutions and industry best-practice whilst networking with hundreds of leading […]

Carbon Literacy Action Day


To coincide with the UN COP28 negotiations in Dubai this December, we are staging the third annual Carbon Literacy Action Day. The Action Day will catalyse action on climate change through Carbon Literacy training, getting everyone involved in delivering positive action, to address climate change wherever they are. The Action Day is fully inclusive and open to […]

Teesside – People, Planet, Pint: Sustainability Meetup

The Zetland Hotel 9 Zetland Road, Middlesbrough

Pop down to your local People Planet Pint meetup to find more about what's going on locally with sustainability and how you can get involved. No pitches, powerpoints or panels. Just People, Planet, Pint/s. Your local meetup is a great place to start your journey or continue learning, and meet diverse people to chat about […]

Insights Live and 2024 Sustainability Awards

Queen Elizabeth II centre Broad Sanctuary, London

A prestigious event that celebrates our ECOsmart members and our extended community who are implementing sustainable initiatives through their businesses. Insights Live by Greengage is an annual event that features guest speakers, discussion panels, sustainable collaborations, and the Sustainability Awards. The Greengage Sustainability Awards was launched in 2022 to recognise outstanding achievements in the field […]


Grow Together Networking and Innovation Workshop – South Tyneside Pledge

Port of Tyne Innovation Hub Port of Tyne, South Shields

🌟 Introducing our "Grow Together Networking and Innovation Workshop" - a FREE breakfast and networking event exclusively for members of the South Tyneside Pledge. 🌟 Join us for an unforgettable morning filled with inspiration, growth planning, and networking opportunities. Dr. Jo North, leader of the #2050MaritimeInnovationHub at the Port of Tyne, will deliver an engaging workshop, […]

BIPC Sussex – Expert 121 with James Staniforth, Environmental Sustainability Advisor


If you need help with developing a business that is sustainable, book a free 45-minute in-person 121 session with James Staniforth, Environmental Sustainability Carbon Footprint Advisor, for an initial conversation about the Carbon Footprint of your business, understanding your impact and developing a net-zero strategy. Choose from a selection of dates and times to suit you. […]

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