Ocean Action Conference – World Oceans Day

Grand Hotel Sunderland Queens Parade, Sunderland

For 2023 World Ocean's Day we're celebrating all the wonderful projects and people taking Ocean Action whether it be Seagrass meadows, Oysters, or strategic and delivery of projects


Circular Bioconstruction in the Northeast and Yorkshire

The Bioeconomy Outreach Centre Unit 7 Chessingham Park, Dunnington, York

Developing the circular bioconstruction sector in the North East and Yorkshire The built environment accounts for almost a quarter of the UK’s carbon emissions with embodied carbon from the construction and refurbishment of buildings currently making up 20% of these emissions. The use of sustainably and locally sourced biobased resources such as wool, hemp and […]

Global Wind Day

Our Planet

Global Wind Day is a worldwide event that occurs annually on 15 June. It is a day for discovering wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to reshape our energy systems, decarbonise our economies and boost jobs and growth. Global Wind Day The day celebrates wind power and the website has children’s activities […]

Clean Air Day

Our Planet

Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK. The World Health Organisation and the UK Government recognise that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today

World Refill Day

Our Planet

World Refill Day is a global campaign to prevent plastic pollution and help people live with less plastic. We work in collaboration with planet-protecting partners to elevate the campaign, reach new audiences and add weight and noise to our global movement and messaging. World Refill Day is a chance for organisations, NGOs and brands to […]

Plastic Free Beauty Day


The global beauty industry produces over 142 BILLION UNITS of packaging every year. Every piece of plastic ever made still exists. There is no such thing as “good plastic” as reclaimed plastic, recycled plastic, recyclable plastic and every other type of plastic can still end up in the sea or landfill.  The day calls all brands, consumers and retailers […]

The Big Zero Show

Coventry Building Society Arena Judds Lane, Coventry

Join more than 1000 industry professionals looking to progress their Net Zero journey and save carbon, cost and energy. Real life Net Zero journeys from Coventry Building Society, Hilton Foods, King’s College London, Mott MacDonald, Lloyd’s Banking Group, Coventry City Council. West Midlands Mayor Andy Street and the Energy Institute’s Juliet Davenport. Speed dating with […]

Book Wilding Online – Infinite Wonder


Come and join us online for the next in our Climate Action North Spring/Summer series of Book Wilding events. We're excited to welcome Mike Pratt, author of Infinite Wonder who will be talking about his book, telling us the story behind it and also reading from the book. ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Mike is a self-taught […]


Net Zero Week 2023


We all need to radically reduce our carbon emissions to combat the effects of climate change. Reaching net zero will require many new measures, innovative solutions, aggressive government policies and plenty of human effort both at work and at home. Net Zero Week™ is part of this much needed momentum. A week of focus, events, […]

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