Together for Clean Air
This year’s theme of “Together for Clean Air” focuses on the need for stronger partnerships, increased investment and shared responsibility to overcome air pollution
The Conference theme is: "Creating a unified foundation for the Sustainable Development: research, practice and education". This theme emphasizes the strong foundation that is provided by using research to inform our everyday practices, policies, and analytical approaches. The 2024 Conference will once again provide a forum for the sharing of ideas, presentation of research findings, and discussion of professional issues relevant […]
The ozone layer, a fragile shield of gas, protects the Earth from the harmful portion of the rays of the sun, thus helping preserve life on the planet.
The last few years have seen many changes to the way we work and interact with our colleagues. A global pandemic, a growing mental health crisis and a climate emergency are just a few issues driving that change. As businesses move to react, trends show that stakeholders want more, they want to engage with companies […]
September 21 is Zero Emissions Day, or ZeDay, created by Canadian artist and environmental enthusiast Ken Wallace in 2008. This day calls us to build a sustainable future by reducing GHG emissions.
22 September is World Car Free Day, when all around the world, towns and cities allow people to experience streets free of motor traffic as well as making travel easier for those who rely on private vehicles for health and mobility reasons.
Join Sustainable Business Services to Mix it Up and take part in National Vegetarian Week; THIS OCTOBER, WE’LL BE ASKING THE GREAT BRITISH PUBLIC TO ‘MIX IT UP!’ FOR NATIONAL VEGETARIAN WEEK 1ST – 7TH OCTOBER 2024. The campaign which this year kicks off on World Vegetarian Day, aims to encourage even more people to […]
Unblocktober is the world’s first month-long national campaign and awareness month to improve the health of our drains, sewers, watercourses and seas - driven completely by the British public. Launched in 2019, the first Unblocktober saw more than 4,500 Britons across the country pledge to change their kitchen and bathroom habits at home and at […]
World Vegetarian Day was founded in 1977 by the North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) and was endorsed by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978. October 1st is the annual kick-off of Vegetarian Awareness Month. Make a difference this October by informing others about the benefits of vegetarianism. You will be helping to create a better […]
October is International Walk to School Month, when pupils around the globe celebrate the joys of walking and wheeling to school. This year, we are going on an Autumn Street Safari! Take a few minutes on your walk to school to collect special items and celebrate autumn with some fun activities. Will you dance around […]
2023 Theme: Resilient urban economies. Cities as drivers of growth and recovery This year's World Habitat Day aims to convene various city stakeholders to discuss the ways in which cities can be primed for recovery following the global intersecting negative economic shocks of COVID-19 and conflicts by: Broaching the different dimensions of economic slowdown that cities are […]